Tips for Building Your Creative Vision

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There’s something wonderful about marketing and advertising within the business world in that there’s always ample opportunity and need for creative elements. While other areas such as accounting, finance, IT or logistics are important for the overall operation of a business, the creative part of a brand’s marketing plan is often what people first notice. How you go about displaying your brand to the world is of utmost importance, so it is crucial to have a creative vision in place that helps get your brand the attention it deserves from your target audience.

Building Your Creative Vision: Tips

Curiosity and the desire to learn will help lead you to creativity.


So, what is a creative vision? A creative vision is the idea or message behind media, whether that be a logo, website, graphic or any other visual element you choose to broadcast your message to consumers. The concept behind a creative vision is that you gain the ability to turn an idea from an abstract concept into a visual, tangible message. In order to start forming a creative vision, your business will need to identify how you wish your brand to be perceived by consumers so you can start developing ideas for execution.


Kickstart Your Creativity

At times, creativity doesn’t show up when you need it to. Other times, you have all the ideas in the world and the creativity just continues to flow. However, when creativity doesn’t come to light right away, it’s hard to form ideas that are actually worthwhile. In order to construct a creative vision that is actually viable, all of your ideas need to come to the surface. Suffering from a creative dry spell? Here are some tips to help get those creative engines running:

  1. Collaborate

Sometimes a lack in creativity is a result of a lack of knowledge. It may not necessarily be that you’re not knowledgeable about what it is you are creating a vision for, but with environments and trends constantly changing, there is always room to learn more. Curiosity and the desire to learn will help lead you to creativity. Whether that be reading up on a relevant subject matter or talking to several experts in the same field, these inputs will open up the floor to new ideas and discussion. Collaborating with and learning from others can boost your creativity in ways you would have never imagined.

  1. Find Inspiration from Other Industries

When creativity is lacking, it’s second nature to creep on competitors to see what they are doing to help generate more ideas for your brand. However, you won’t get your next great idea from copying someone else. Try looking for innovation in different industries. By identifying which businesses are dominating, what they are doing and why they are dominating, you will be able to better grasp what has worked for specific businesses. Taking inspiration from other industries is a great way to go about boosting your creativity, especially when trying to build your creative vision.

Implement Your Creative Vision

After upping your creative game and welcoming new ideas, you can then start to form a creative vision for your brand and develop a plan for how you are going to turn your abstract concepts into reality. Coming up with an idea may be easy, but actually developing the idea into something tangible is a whole new challenge. Here are some tips on where to begin when going about the implementation process of your creative vision:

After upping your creative game and welcoming new ideas, you can then start to form a creative vision for your brand and develop a plan for how you are going to turn your abstract concepts into reality. Coming up with an idea may be easy, but actually developing the idea into something tangible is a whole new challenge. Here are some tips on where to begin when going about the implementation process of your creative vision:

  1. Create an Action Plan

Once you have developed your creative vision and wish to move on to implementing your ideas, it’s helpful to start thinking of your creative vision as a goal rather than just a vision. Thinking of your vision as an obtainable goal will allow you to start developing an action plan, giving you a step by step process for how your creative vision will be executed. Throughout the planning process, you may need to reformulate some ideas in ways that are more obtainable, but that’s okay! Creative visions should be flexible, especially because new or better ideas might arise once you actually start creating your action plan.

  1. Constantly Review Development

After you develop an action plan and begin setting milestones for when things need to be executed, it is important to constantly review the overall progress of these steps and make any needed adjustments. Once you start getting into the nitty gritty of your creative vision development, things are bound to come up or not go exactly as planned. With continuous review and flexibility, you will be able to conquer any problems thrown your way and come up with viable solutions.



Forming a creative vision is a process that takes much trial and error. It is important to bring several ideas to the table and see which ones fit best with what you are trying to achieve for your brand. While it can be frustrating not being able to come up with good ideas quickly, just remember to take a step back and try to look at things from a different angle. After you think you have something good, make a plan! There will always be room for improvement, but you won’t know what needs to be improved unless you test out the ideas you have.